Salinas Quads Blog

This blog is documenting the births and progress of the Salinas Quadruplets

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fab Four in the Detroit News today, October 4th!!

Hi Everyone, the Fab Four are in the Wednesday October 4th Detroit news. Here is a link to the online version of the article..

We went to the doctors yesterday got new weights..We will post details later on today!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

October 2nd Update

Hi everyone. We had a nice and adventure-filled weekend. The Quads got to meet their Aunt Dee-Dee, Cousin Derek and our good friend Mariel for the first time. They were thrilled!! We had a bunch of people over for the Michigan-Minnesota game viewing. Which Michigan won, of course. :)

Life has settled into rhythmic 3-hour increments centered around the babies' feedings and sleeping. We have been working on move-in projects, like unpacking, moving furniture (thanks Derek!), hooking up technology (technology man...), and tweaking (as Aunt Dee calls it). The to-do list, as in any move, is huge. Oh well, it is all very fun and we have been fortunate to have a ton of help!

As we have started to dig ourselves out, we have met a few of our neighbors. Everyone is incredibly nice. It is a very kid friendly neighborhood... we have heard that there are over 40 kids/babies on our small street. One neigbor gave us two very nice cribs and a bunch of useful baby stuff last night. (Thank you Dave and Leslie!)

The quads continue to do great. Tomorrow they have appointments with Dr. Miele for their standard check-up. We will get official weights then. It seems like they have put on quite a bit of weight, they are getting heavier to lift! Certainly, they are eating a lot more. When they were first born they barely ate 30 ccs. Now they put down at least 100 cc and often more! It is so cool to watch them develop. They have started to look around more, discover their hands, and their personalities are becoming more pronounced. And we have discovered that swaddling at night helps them sleep well, which is selfishly great for our sleeping!

One more thing, we just heard that the Detroit news article about the quads will be published in Wednesday's paper! Thanks everyone again for the support.