Salinas Quads Blog

This blog is documenting the births and progress of the Salinas Quadruplets

Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 29 Update - Happy Two Month Birthday, Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday Abue!

Hi Everyone! Happy Halloween Week! :)

Today is the quads' two month birthday. We can't believe how much they've grown and developed in such a short time. We are so happy with these little ones and remind ourselves each day how lucky we are that they are all so healthy. Happy Birthday Matt, Naty, Sam, and Sofi!

It was also Dan's Mom 65th birthday last Wednesday. We had a fun birthday party with cake and Sorbet. We are so grateful for her help! The Quads and Morgan sure love their Abue!

Last week was another great week. Our new au pair, Camila, started on Monday. We are very happy to have her here - she has been an amazing help and is an incredibly nice person. We're starting to develop more of a routine, which has been nice for both the babies and us. The babies take baths every other day right around noontime. They also take longer mid-morning and mid-afternoon naps, play in between, and sleep longer at night.

The interpersonal dynamics between the babies have been fun to watch. Matt and Sam had their first little boxing match as pictured above. Matt had superior position and won hands down, which was very upsetting to Sam who spends most of most of the day practicing by flailing his arms around. The girls, on the other hand, are very peaceful and are the best of friends. They are really different, however. Natalia is very active and cries a cute little princess cry that sounds particularly girly. Sofi is our calmest baby, tends to grunt instead of cry when she is upset, and loves to curl up in a little ball (see below). We call her little Buddha.

The kids seem to really enjoy going for walks. Hopefully we can squeeze a few more in before the really cold weather sets in. Other than that, we have been hanging out getting more settled in the house. We have been watching lots of sports, and are bummed that the Tigers lost, but are still very proud of them. We are all really excited that Michigan is still undefeated... go blue!!

Finally, we are looking forward to seeing Uncle DJ and Aunt Emily, who are coming to visit from Seattle this week. We also are excited for Halloween and, weather permitting, plan to take the babies out around the cul de sac in their bear and bunny outfits. It should very cute.

Have a Happy Halloween!