Salinas Quads Blog

This blog is documenting the births and progress of the Salinas Quadruplets

Saturday, November 25, 2006

November 26 - Some more pictures from the long weekend...

Here are some pictures of us all hanging out!

Photo guide:

The babies are the center of attention.

They aren't camera shy. :)

Sofi got to hang out with Grammy.

Morgan likes to keep an eye on the boys.

Naty had a lot of fun in her bath.

Sam says, "Hey Matt! Wake up!"

The kids love to watch football games from their playmat.

Uncle Geoff is a pro.

Talk to you soon!!

P.S. We added a link to the left navigation bar called Guest Map. Please feel free to click and add your location and name to the map! You don't need to put an email address or even your full name. Just a fun way to see everyone visiting the Quads!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

November 24 Update - Happy Thanksgiving / Fun Visits

Hi everyone, we hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. The babies are doing great. Auntie Sil, Uncle Wes and their dog Ruby came in from Virginia from Saturday through Thanksgiving Day. They had a great time with the babies, and Ruby had a fun time playing with our dog Morgie. Wes changed his first diapers and experienced a first class spit up from Sam, which was fun to observe. :) Sam thought it was hilarious and laughed at everyone's reaction. Silvy spent lots of quality time with the babies and was totally in love. Both chipped in for lots of late night shifts which was awesome for Dan and me. We all miss them already.

Aunt Ellen, Uncle Sonny, and Melanie also visited from New York. They helped us celebrate the babies' first Thanksgiving, along with Aunt Sharon, Kent, Taffy, Uncle Bill, Grandma and Grandpa Martin, Grandma Tere (Abue), Camila, and Tiago. Naty and Sofi wore new winter sweaters, and the boys looked spiffy in jeans, cords, and reindeer shirts. We are especially thankful this year. :)

We had fun watching the Michigan game last Saturday with the Martin crew and Danielle and Mariel who were in from out of town. We were all bummed (see the quads below!) that Michigan lost this past weekend, but it was an awesome game and Natalia made Daddy feel better about it, letting him know Michigan still might have a chance. We're watching closely to see how the final few games of the season pan out. It will feel strange to root for Notre Dame tomorrow.

Talk to you soon!