Salinas Quads Blog

This blog is documenting the births and progress of the Salinas Quadruplets

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April Blog - Easter Bunnies, New Teeth, A Picnic, and More

Hi everyone! We hope you had a great April. The babies are changing every day. They are all close to crawling, and are babbling new sounds . They have also learned to hold their own bottles which is very cute and helpful. Sam and Naty each have two shining teeth, and are our most rambunctious babies. Sam is wild and fun, and likes to yell with joy when he plays. Naty is silly, wiggly, and full of spunk; don't ever tell her she's tiny. Matthew is flirtatious and sensitive. His first word was "ham", but he is now very into saying "da da da da da." (Dan is bribing him.) He likes to pose for audiences and the camera. Sofi is our most studious and is a sweetheart; she likes to observe people and objects very closely, and loves sitting on peoples' laps.

Here are some new pictures!

The babies were very excited about Easter eggs and toys, brought to them by the Easter Dog.

The big kids can all hold their own bottles.

Sam and Naty are proud of their beautiful teeth.

Daddy is fun.

Naty is a little goofball.

Sam is Mr. Bigshot.

Sofi is a sweetie pie.

Matt has puppydog eyes.

Hi everyone! Soon we'll be all over the room...

We had a picnic in the backyard. The boys were awake the longest and enjoyed playing and watching Daddy golf.

We think Sam and Sofi look the most alike now.

The boys like to read and hang out.

Feet are still very "in."

Having brothers and sisters is fun. :)

Talk to you soon!