Salinas Quads Blog

This blog is documenting the births and progress of the Salinas Quadruplets

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 17 Blog -- Lots of Pictures

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Matt, Nat, Sam, and Sof!

We've had a fun and busy couple of weeks. :)

We are teaching the girls to be sports fans. Nobody tell them the Lions don't play in March.

The babies have been going on more outings, one or two at a time. Here is a picture of Naty going to the store with Mommy, and Sofi bundled up to try the jogging stroller.

Sam is very jolly and loves to play with his feet and food.

Matt likes to leave his shirt off and show off his muscles.

The babies had a fun doctor visit playing with toys in their diapers. Sam is now over 18 lbs, Matt is 17 lbs, Sofia is 15 1/2 lbs, and Naty is 14 1/2 lbs!

Mommy took Sofi and Matt to visit Grammy and Grandpa in St. Clair. Sammi the Cat was skeptical about their arrival, but all went well.

Matt and Sof had some quality time together, while Naty and Sam had fun at home.

Sofi thinks it is fun to play with Grandpa's hair.

The babies got to meet Harvey and Carole, and Pastor Lynne this month.

Sam and Naty think Kaitlyn is very cool.

Some pictures from February...

Teddy bears and bunnies showing off how cute they are...

Naty thinks it is very "in" to stick out your tongue and hold hands. The boys are afraid to lie next to her.

We had a fun bridal shower for our au pair, Camila.

The babies had to dress extra warm for their February doctor visit. :) (The boys look like twins with their hats on.)

We had some fun visitors!

The family is all pitching in to help. Danielle is now here full time. (Yay!)

Morgie is a big helper too. She can't wait until the babies are old enough to play fetch.

Sam's big-little hands are too cute to handle.

That's the scoop, talk to you soon!

Matt, Naty, Sam, and Sof